Let's narrow down your choices . . .
What is most important to you?
The Perks of becoming a Member
Free Delivery
Members get Free Delivery on all products - for life
Custom Tailored Plan
Everything from delivery schedule to the food itself
Expert Consultation
Need advice? Members get exclusive access to an expert
What are the benefits of a custom feeding plan?
Efficient Digestion
Ensure your pet gets the most benefit out of their diet
Weight Control
High nutrient density means less uneccessary weight
Enhanced Energy
Watch your pet's energy improve with time
How do I become a member?
Simply by ordering dog food from us, you'll be enrolled as a member. We'll get you set up with regular deliveries based on your expected time per bag of food.
How does the expert consultation work?
It can be hard to find the right dog food. Some dogs have allergies, some intolerances, and some are picky eaters.